Melbourne Storm has reached a significant pre-season milestone with 10,909 members already committed for 2015.
The milestone marks a 31% growth compared to this time last year and is already a new pre-Christmas record for the Club. The Club has set itself a 2015 target of 17,000 members for the first time in the Club's history.
Melbourne Storm CEO Mark Evans said it was a significant milestone for the Club to achieve in the lead up to the end of the year.
2015 Membership now on sale! Join our team today.
“We recognise the significance of reaching over 10,000 members before Christmas and we thank the members who have committed already for 2015. It’s a big year for rugby league in Melbourne with Origin in town and Storm determined to be in the mix for the Premiership.
“There is plenty of hard work still to do, to reach our target of 17,000. We encourage those who have not renewed to do so and members already signed up to tell their friends about the Melbourne Storm experience.”
Premiers and Champions Club memberships, offering some of the best reserved seats at AAMI Park, have proved popular with renewing members. Sales of the Thunder Squad membership, a favourite of Melbourne members as they are seated behind the posts at each end, have exceeded 2014 totals by 10%.
Membership sales continue to tick over this week with the Club’s great value General Admission and Club House Flexi memberships providing a different option for fans.
The Club House Flexi membership options gives members 10 or 20 game entries upfront for the season, with the decision on which game to attend up to the individual. Members can watch the team live at AAMI Park from level 2 seating, make use of the accredited child care facilities and have access to the official post-match function all as part of this membership.
In 2015 the Club continues to recognise membership achievement milestones by providing members with a coloured membership lanyard identifying years of consecutive membership.
The Club expects the momentum to continue as the NRL announces the 2015 Draw mid month.
Purchasing a Melbourne Storm 2015 membership is easy and can be done in a number of ways.
Online: Any time at melbournestorm.com.au/membership
By phone: 1300 786 767 (Monday – Friday 9am-5pm or Saturday 9am-12pm)
In person: Melbourne Storm offices at AAMI Park (Monday – Friday 9am-5pm or Saturday 9am-12pm)
Or send us a tweet @storm and one of our friendly customer experience representatives will contact you.